Get your UNSPSC codes the fastest way

Refresh is by far the fastest way for any organization to accurately implement UNSPSC. Today Refresh delivers UNSPSC codes automatically to tens of millions of items at many of the world's leading companies and governments. Typical timelines are tens or hundreds of thousands of lines coded per week.
Cheaper UNSPSC
Other approaches, such as outsourcing or using generic software, are no match for Refresh on the most important metric of all – total cost per correctly assigned UNSPSC code. This year our Desktop tool is specially discounted for certain important industries - contact us using this form for a quote or more information.
Refresh has at its foundation the largest set of dictionary content in the industry. Refresh’s 100% repeatable rule sets always produce your own repeatable UNSPSC codes which can then be used confidently in your business processes. Popular examples include classification processes in systems like SAP, Oracle, Ariba, Maximo, Coupa, or taxation processes in systems like Sabrix/Onesource, Vertex, Taxware. Contact us to test Refresh with some of your own data today.


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