Start making fresh procurement savings today


Last year the average Refresh™ software customer generated $2M dollars in supply chain savings through material de-duplication alone. Add this to the savings generated from trustworthy segmentation and accuracy of spend analysis, automatic generation of UNSPSC codes for internal and external procurement benchmarking and the increased spend penetration by being able to classify a large amount of expenditure that was previously hard to categorize, and you have very real savings generated at our global customers.

Refresh™ software can cut significant costs from your organization's procurement spend. These particular savings will in most cases be new for your organization as you will use new technology to identify and highlight spend opportunities that have traditionally been tough to "sweat for savings". In today's tough economy, where its easier to produce margin lift from reduced cost-of-goods-sold than it is from increased company sales, the CPO now has this great opportunity to impact profitability like never before... but are you delivering all the savings you could be for your organization?

Large companies including the global leader in fine paper, the world's largest mining and commodities company, and the world's largest chemical company are now using Refresh™ to analyze and successfully drive out new savings in purchasing. Also, medium-sized companies ranging from a top United States agri-business through to Chinese, African and South American corporates and well known European multi-lingual multinationals have all unlocked savings from their purchasing data in the past year.

Use the contact form below to request a quick Refresh™ web demo, or to reach out to our helpful staff with any of your questions.

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