Master your Materials, Items, Assets and Products

ISO 8000, ISO 22745, eClass & the eOTD... What?
ISO 8000 is an important standard for master data quality. ISO 22745 & the eOTD (Open Technical Dictionary) are useful parts of the standard relating specifically to the consistent description of materials. eClass further provides engineering-specific description standards. All of these standards help drive Refresh's "Noun,Modifier,Attribute" algorithm - by far the easiest way for you to standardize your data.
Why should I use standards like these?
These standards are based on the NCS (NATO Cataloguing System) which has been built over 50 years in 50+ countries and now boasts over 5000 man years of development time. Its size means it is very comprehensive, but also impractical for industrial use as-is. Refresh software makes it easy by supplying all the preferred Nouns, Modifiers and full Attribute templates for your industry.
How can I easily implement these standards?
Many leading organizations are running Refresh today, ensuring fully specified consistent material masters at the lowest risk and lowest total cost of ownership in IT systems like SAP, Oracle & Maximo. Refresh can be deployed within a couple of hours for as little as a few cents per line item. Contact us today for a demo for your organization.
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